
Webinar: Using the Human Rights Act in advocacy

The next QCOSS’ Human Rights Network meeting on is focusing on using the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) in advocacy.

Legal and non-legal community sector professionals have a pivotal role to play in assisting the community to engage their rights under the Human Rights Act. Frontline organisations will often be the first to recognise when a person’s rights have been limited, and the Human Rights Act is a powerful mechanism for advocacy in any setting.

The Human Rights Act can also be engaged to underscore broader advocacy activities in the community sector, informing important law reform and policy consultation processes; ensuring rights-respecting progress on systemic issues; and shaping community sector campaigns.

In this QCOSS Human Rights Network meeting on Wednesday, 13 March from 9:30am to 11:00am, find out how you can better use the Queensland Human Rights Act in your advocacy and increase your human rights capability.

Register here.