
On-demand: Professor Sue Harris Rimmer on the Queensland Human Rights Act review

In this special QCOSS Human Rights Network meeting, QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh sat down for a conversation with Professor Susan Harris Rimmer, who is currently undertaking an independent review of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld).

This session, available for playback now on-demand, is a great opportunity learn how you can engage in the review going forward. Reflect on how our Human Rights Act is serving the community, and to explore areas where it can be strengthened.

Professor Harris-Rimmer is due to provide her report to the Attorney-General by 20 September 2024.

Get involved in the review:

Have your say on the review by writing a submission to the review, due by Friday, 21 June 2024. To help you get started on your submission, QCOSS has developed a submission template and guidance on how to engage with the review. Download it here.

You can also encourage your clients and service users to respond to the Independent Review Survey and share their thoughts and experiences of the Human Rights Act here.

Does your community service organisation have feedback about the Human Rights Act which you can provide to QCOSS? Or does your community service organisation intend to make a submission, and have an interest in joining our submission working group for the review? We’d love to hear from youyou can reach us at [email protected] to find out more.