
Survey: Community views on the sentencing of rape and sexual assaults

The Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit at the University of the Sunshine Coast is conducting research to collect community views on the sentencing of rape and sexual assaults, including the seriousness of the offending. The research project is funded by the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General.

The university is seeking community members to participate in focus groups.  Focus groups will be two hours in length and held in person in various locations across Queensland and online. Participants will receive an $80 electronic payment for their participation in a focus group.

You or your customers/clients/community networks must satisfy the following inclusion criteria to participate:

  1. You speak conversational English;
  2. You are 18 or over;
  3. You live in Queensland; and
  4. You have not been accused or convicted of committing a sexual offence.

You can register your interest here.