
NDIS Review Final Report released

The final report of the NDIS Review has been released.

The Review has identified significant issues with the operation of the NDIS, and the experience of people with disability in Australia in receiving supports through the scheme. Many of these issues have been well understood for some time, due to continued advocacy by sector stakeholders.

The Review makes 26 recommendations with 139 supporting actions that aim to reform how the NDIS operates and how disability supports are provided both within and outside of the NDIS.

These build on the issues raised in the “What we have heard” report released by the Review in June by making wide-ranging recommendations to:

  • reform NDIS access, planning and budget-setting
  • increase foundational disability supports for people with disability outside the NDIS
  • increase the accessibility, inclusion and accountability of mainstream services, including the health, mental health, transport, education, early childhood, child protection, criminal justice, and housing systems
  • more clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the NDIS and mainstream services.
  • promote disability rights in legislation
  • improve quality and safeguards across the disability system
  • make it easier to navigate across systems
  • increase advocacy support
  • develop workforce approaches to address workforce shortages
  • increase supported decision-making and reform guardianship processes
  • improve data collection and outcomes measurement
  • address intersectional disadvantage and increase self-determination for First Nations peoples.

On 6 December 2023, National Cabinet agreed to make changes to the NDIS to improve the experience of participants and restore the original intent of the scheme to support people with permanent and significant disability. They also agreed to design and deliver foundational supports for people with disability outside the NDIS.

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