
Pride in our Communities strategy supporting LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders

Queensland Government media release

In a landmark move towards advancing the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual plus (LGBTQIA+) people in Queensland, the Queensland Government has announced the launch of Pride in our Communities 2024 – 2032 strategy.

Shaped with LGBTQIA+ communities, advocacy groups and community leaders through unprecedented state-wide community engagement, the strategy is the first of its kind in Queensland.

Pride in our Communities is a long-term plan towards building a safe, inclusive and equitable Queensland where LGBTQIA+ people can live authentically, feel connected and access the services they need.

The whole-of-government strategy focusses on three key areas that matter most to LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders

  • shaping a LGBTQIA+ inclusive culture across Queensland
  • fostering stronger communities and connections; and
  • providing responsive, inclusive and accessible services.

The foundational Pride in our Communities Action Plan 2024 – 2026 commits to a range of actions over the first two years of the strategy.

The strategy is also backed by an initial investment of $1.035M over two years to establish the LGBTQIA+ Alliance for Queensland, to support networking, community building and advocacy to amplify LGBTQIA+ voices.

This builds on $6.8 million invested to implement a state-wide model of affirming care for LGBTIQ+, Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities in Queensland.

This care is delivered through a combination of face-to-face, online and telehealth, to provide targeted support for LGBTIQ+ people with physical and mental ill health and associated reduced psychosocial functioning.

And, this month, new laws commenced enabling parents of trans or gender diverse children under the age of 16 to apply to alter their child’s record of sex to align with the child’s identified sex.

The Queensland Government is also providing $200,000 to Brisbane Pride to support operational funding for grassroots LGBTQIA+ organisations across the state.

To learn more and view Pride in our Communities, visit www.qld.gov.au/pride.