
Jumpstart: A free graphic design bootcamp for women

Green Fox Studio and Green Fox Training Studio have launched a specialised online program that aims to introduce women to some of the necessary skills and resources required to work in the creative industries. This program aims to enable them to engage with like-minded women and professionals in the industry that can assist in mentoring their creative pursuits and guiding them towards a more fulfilling and rewarding career.

Green Fox Studio requests your assistance in referring women who may benefit from the program, and because some cohorts present with complex social needs including unemployment and financial issues, the program is free for participants as it is fully funded through the charity’s philanthropic resources. Program runners are heavily connected to professional partners in reintegration and social support services, and can also assist program participants to connect to these resources.

The program runs online, with the next one runs on offer from 14-23 November, every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am – 2:30pm.

To find out more or get involved, get in touch with Green Fox Studios via email.