
Have your say on establishing a Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Education Council

Did you know Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland do not have a formal say in early years, schooling, or training? Queensland does not have a representative group of First Nations Queenslanders that tells schools and the government what matters most to them.

To change this, the Queensland Government is looking at establishing a Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Education, Education and Training Consultative Body. This body will be an independent entity led and managed by community. It will be eligible for membership of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Education Council (NATSICEC).

The Queensland Family and Child Commission is gathering views from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people and families across Queensland about how this this body should be formed, what it should do, and how it should work.

The consultation is open until 30 April 2024. Find out more or make a submission.