
Governance matters in QCOSS’ new On Board webinar series

The new On Board event series from QCOSS is aimed at providing introductory, practical information for governance body members seeking to sharpen their knowledge and skills in all things governance.

Delivered by Justice Connect, the series will provide practical guidance on common areas of governance concern, including making sense of potentially complex and legalistic terms (e.g., risk management) and financial concepts (e.g., insurances) that are key governance responsibilities.

This year’s first session, on Wednesday, 17 April from 10:00am to 11:30am, is all about Mastering Meetings. Justice Connect’s Mae Tanner will lead an in-depth, interactive exploration of the purpose of governance meetings, your organisational and legal requirements, and practical strategies for getting the most out of your governance meetings, including how to identify and address barriers to effective meetings.

To encourage genuine discussion and reflection, events in the On Board workshop series are live and places are limited – so register now!