
Free session: Supporting the housing and homelessness workforce

The housing and homelessness services industry is facing strong competition for workers both now and into the future with many occupations in demand across several industries. The industry will need to look at its recruitment strategies and marketing to ensure careers in the industry are attractive to new entrants and workers transitioning from other industries.

Workforce planning can assist organisations and employers who are ready to access the skills and workforce they need, develop an agile, flexible plan that supports them through changes in the business environment.

At this free event on Monday, 18 March from 9:30am to 10:30am, Jobs Queensland brings to you guest speakers from the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, the Industry Workforce Advisors Network, University of Sunshine Coast and Business Chamber Queensland with an overview of the free services they offer that may assist you.

Learn about the free services available to your industry that can assist you with addressing existing workforce challenges and planning a future workforce. Register now to secure your spot.