
Data resource: Discover the story of child and family wellbeing in Queensland

The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) has launched the Data Explorer, a go-to resource that reports on the wellbeing of Queensland’s 1.6 million children, their families and communities.

Comprising thousands of data points and more than 20 case studies that showcase people and programs that are making a difference, the Data Explorer presents a holistic picture of child, family and community wellbeing in Queensland, describing their health, education, wealth, living and family circumstances, and so much more.

The data and case studies map to the wellbeing framework developed by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY), which sets out the six interconnected factors children and families need to thrive: feeling valued, loved and safe; having material basics; being healthy; being engaged in education; participating in their communities; and having a positive sense of identity and culture.

The Data Explorer is an essential resource for everyone interested in children and families in Queensland – researchers, policy-makers, sector organisations, students, media – and it’s available to explore now on the QFCC website.