
Queensland Government Youth Justice crime prevention grants

Two grants are available from the Queensland Government, aiming to empower local communities and foster stakeholder collaborations to address local youth crime priorities.

Community-based Crime Action grants (closes 15 December 2023)

One-off grants of $5,000 to $75,000 will be available for short-term, culturally responsive, community-based projects that respond to the causes of youth crime, based on identified local needs and service system gaps.

Complementing existing local responses and knowledge, the Community-based Crime Action grants will support practical solutions to:

  • reduce youth crime and re-offending
  • enhance community safety
  • improve early intervention and prevention services for at-risk youth
  • help young people involved in the youth justice system to
    • build positive relationships and participation in their community
    • improve their health outcomes
    • engage with education and training to increase life and work skills.

Solutions should be designed using evidence and community knowledge and delivered to meet the needs of the young people, their families, and the broader community. For example, community sporting groups, social activities, formal education, culture-based rehabilitation or improvements to local facilities.

Find out more or apply.

Targeted Responses to Youth Crime grants (closes 30 January 2024)

One-off grants (of up to $300,000) are available for new ideas and projects that support young people who are, or could become, serious repeat offenders, to change their behaviours and improve community connection.

The Targeted Responses to Youth Crime grants will support change-oriented and intensive responses that:

  • address predictors of youth offending thinking and behaviour
  • support family and community to address and manage the varied, and often complex, causes of offending behaviours
  • target the unique issues being experienced by local communities
  • are designed in partnership with the local community.

Find out more or apply.