
MediaCast’s Pro Bono for Purpose Grants

MediaCast’s Pro Bono for Purpose Grants provide an opportunity for NFPs and charities to harness the power of PR, start a movement and create real and lasting change. The grants program is designed to give organisations the opportunity to build momentum through media relations and amplify their message across radio, TV, print and digital outlets.

MediaCast will work with you to develop a purpose-led campaign, utilising whatever assets you have available. Whether you are looking to support an upcoming appeal, highlight a social injustice or raise awareness on behalf of a vulnerable cohort, MediaCast want to help you use media for change.

Grants will be awarded to the value of $5,000 and $10,000 and can be used as the full value of a campaign or part value of a larger campaign. Applications close Thursday, 30 November.

Find out more and apply.