
Grants: $1.7 million on offer to support and enhance Queensland’s multiculturalism

The Queensland Government is calling for applications for the latest round of the Celebrating Multicultural Queensland program’s project funding.

Community groups, not-for-profit organisations, sporting clubs, youth groups, P&C associations and multicultural organisations from across Queensland are encouraged to apply for their share in $1.7 million in funding as the latest round of the Celebrating Multicultural Queensland (CMQ) program’s project funding round opens.

Grants can be used for a range of projects to be delivered from 1 July 2024 that will build social connection and cohesion in communities across Queensland.

Two categories of funding are available:

  • up to $50,000 for projects which focus on supporting economic and social participation of Queenslanders from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • up to $120,000 for projects which break down barriers for young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds aged 12 to 25.

Past CMQ funding recipients have helped to give people skills for future employment, assisted in starting up small businesses, and supported young people to lead and deliver activities to build confidence and networks and improve their sense of belonging in the community.

Applications can be submitted online at until midnight on Sunday, 12 November 2023 (AEST). For more information, please visit this website.