
Get involved: Homelessness Response Review

The Queensland Government has commissioned an independent review of the homelessness system and services response.

The review will provide an independent assessment of Queensland’s current response to homelessness and identify recommendations and opportunity on ways to improve how homelessness services are delivered in the future.

The review is being led by Independent Reviewer, Ms Rachel Hunter. A dedicated project team of technical specialists including analysts, strategy advisors and homelessness sector experts will be supporting the review process.

The review is an important step towards ending homelessness in Queensland.

There are several consultation options including face to face and online sessions, plus surveys. If you are a service user or support person with lived experience, your experiences are vital to informing the inquiry.

Face to face sessions are happening throughout Queensland and an online survey is available to receive your feedback. For service providers, a seperate survey is available here.

Find out more about the review.