
Share your experiences: 2024 Child Rights Report

The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) is inviting young Queenslanders to participate in its 2024 Child Rights Report.

The report explores the state of children’s rights in Queensland and makes recommendations about the actions needed for Queensland to better embed and uphold child rights in policy and practices. As part of this, the QFCC wants to hear from young Queenslanders about their understanding of child rights, their experiences around having their rights supported, and their experiences in being treated fairly by systems and services.

If you, or a young person you know, has a story to share, the QFCC wants to hear it. An online portal is open on the QFCC website. With consent, the QFCC would love to feature the stories in the report. Children under 18 years will need consent from their parent or guardian to participate.

Find out more and share your story.