
Skilling Queenslanders for Work and Indigenous Workforce and Skills Development grant workshops!

QCOSS works with the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training to support our sector to apply for Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) funding.

These practical workshops, happening in locations across Queensland during July, August and September, are for people who write grant and funding applications and are looking to refine their skills. If you’re interested in sharpening up your SQW applications, and grant applications more broadly, look no further!

Upcoming SQW sessions

Introduction to Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Tender Writing Workshops

Making your SQW application add up

The second SQW funding round for 2024 opens on Monday, 29 July so don’t delay – register for a workshop.

Upcoming IWSDG sessions

The Indigenous Workforce and Skills Development Grant (IWSDG) program funds Indigenous designed and led projects that support or respond to local training and workforce needs.

To support the program, QCOSS is delivering a series of interactive workshops for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community organisations, councils, businesses and social enterprises interested in applying for the grants. Both new and experienced grant writers are encouraged to bring their IWSDG project ideas to these workshops in:

Access more information and resources about IWDSG at the QCOSS website.