
Queensland Government response to Disability Royal Commission

New Queensland Disability Reform Framework released to advance disability reform and implement Disability Royal Commission response and NDIS Review recommendations.

The disability sector will co-design the implementation of reforms, and the focus will be on achieving greater inclusion and participation, high quality and safe services and supports, and better outcomes for people with disability.

The Queensland Government has set out its disability reform agenda, including its response to the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission.

The new Queensland Disability Reform Framework – The Next Chapter was developed in consultation with the disability sector.

It builds on the changes in the provision of disability services in the past decade.

Initial priority actions have been identified and will provide a foundation for longer-term reform.

The Queensland Government will continue to work closely with the disability community to co-design the implementation of reforms.

Reforms have been backed by an initial investment of more than $160 million in the State Budget.

This includes funding for the disability sector to engage stakeholders to co-design the implementation of reforms in the new framework.

Of the 222 Disability Royal Commission recommendations, 130 are relevant to Queensland and the State has accepted 104 recommendations, either in-principle, in part or in full.

Key reforms outlined in the Queensland Government’s response to the Royal Commission include:

  • working with other jurisdictions to improve disability inclusion in complaints processes
  • providing real parental choice for parents by ensuring schools across all settings are equipped to provide high quality education for students with disability
  • expanding the housing reform agenda by delivering housing and homelessness supports; increasing availability of more inclusive and alternative models of housing; and working to ensure people with disability have choice and control over their living arrangements
  • improving public sector employment outcomes, including through workplace adjustments and adopting inclusive procurement policies
  • working with the Australian Government and other states and territories to establish a shared decision-making mechanism to achieve better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability.

The framework also reflects the Queensland Government’s initial response to the Independent Review of the NDIS (NDIS Review).

Immediate priorities include designing foundational supports outside the NDIS and advocating on behalf of Queensland’s disability sector to ensure they receive a fair deal in relation to proposed NDIS reforms.

Queensland will continue to work with the Australian, state and territory governments to prepare a joint response to the NDIS Review by the end of 2024.

Future actions under the framework will be designed and implemented in partnership with the disability community through a staged approach, alongside measures in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 and Queensland’s Disability Plan 2022–27: Together, a better Queensland.

View the Queensland Disability Reform Framework – The Next Chapter.

Read the Queensland Government’s full response to the Disability Royal Commission final report.