
Multicultural Affairs Queensland: Important changes for multicultural project funding

Multicultural Affairs Queensland has announced important changes to multicultural project funding. These changes are designed to enhance support and empower culturally diverse communities.

One of the most significant changes is the introduction of the new Strengthening Multicultural Queensland (SMQ) program. Multicultural project funding, previously available under the Celebrating Multicultural Queensland program, will now be available under the new SMQ program.

The SMQ program will support projects that promote intercultural understanding, foster social inclusion and community cohesion, and empower diverse communities. By providing financial assistance to a wider range of innovative and strategic projects, the SMQ program creates a more inclusive and harmonious multicultural society where everyone is supported to connect, contribute and belong.

Another important change is the previous Economic and Social Participation project category has now been expanded to the Empowering Multicultural Community category. The new category will fund projects that lead to one or more of the following outcomes:

  • increase knowledge, skills and capability of individuals;
  • improved health and wellbeing;
  • develop healthy relationships and social connection;
  • enhance the cultural capability of mainstream organisations and services;
  • enhance intercultural connections and social cohesion between individuals and groups from diverse cultural and faith backgrounds; or
  • enhance economic participation through direct support and opportunities.

The last important change is the increase to the funding amount for this category, which now has one-off funding of up to $100,000 available for projects that can be delivered over two years.

Still available is the Youth and Community Connection project category that provides funding for innovative projects that can assist with breaking down the barriers facing young people from culturally diverse backgrounds that can result in feelings of disengagement or disconnection with the community, and to increase their access to, and inclusion within the community. Projects are to be youth-led and delivered with funding of between $5,000 to $100,000 available over two years.

All community organisations, local councils, and non-profit groups are encouraged to explore the updated guidelines and criteria for the SMQ program for eligibility, funding information and requirements. To view the guidelines and information on how to apply, visit the website.

Please note: the SMQ Program’s Project Funding Round in 2024-25 is opening on 16 September and closing on 12 November.