
Homes for Queenslanders: New laws strengthen renter rights

Queensland Government media release

All forms of rent bidding are banned in Queensland, and property owners will only be able to increase rents once per year on their property, following the passing of new rental law reforms in State Parliament.

The Parliament recently passed the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, strengthening the rights of Queensland renters.

Additional reforms in the Bill passed by Parliament will come into effect on a date to be set by proclamation, including:

  • protecting renters’ privacy by requiring 48 hours entry notice and a prescribed form to be used to apply for a rental home, with any information collected to be handled securely
  • limiting reletting costs based on how long is left on a fixed term lease
  • giving renters a fee-free option to pay rent and choice about how they apply for a rental property
  • improving the rental bond process by requiring claims to be supported by evidence.

The passage of the Bill also enables the government to develop a framework for parties to agree on installing modifications in rental properties, a Code of Conduct for the rental sector and a Portable Bond Scheme.

The government will undertake consultation with the sector to develop these schemes.

The passing of these reforms delivers National Cabinet commitments under A Better Deal for Renters in Queensland.

The passing of these reforms follows extensive engagement with renters, rental property owners and managers, peak and advocacy groups and the broader sector.

The Housing, Big Build and Manufacturing committee heard from multiple stakeholders in considering this legislation, including Tenants Queensland, the Queensland Council of Social Services, QShelter, LawRight, the Real Estate Institute of Queensland, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service, DV Connect and the Property Council of Australia.

The reforms build on the government’s first stage of rental law reforms and included:

  • Ending without grounds evictions, providing more certainty about how and when a tenancy can end
  • Strengthening protections for renters against retaliatory actions, such as eviction and rent increases, if they try to enforce their rights
  • Setting minimum housing standards to ensure rentals are safe, secure and functional
  • Making it easier for renters to have a pet
  • Giving renters experiencing domestic and family violence the right to end their tenancy with limited liability for end of lease costs.

Anyone who needs housing assistance can contact their local Housing Service Centre during business hours or call the 24/7 Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753.