
Expressions of Interest open for Expert Disability Housing Advisory Panel

The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (DHLGPPW) and Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) are seeking expressions of interest from interested people to join the Expert Disability Housing Advisory Panel.

This is a unique opportunity to be a part of a shared governance forum to oversee housing for people with disability in Queensland.

Partnering for inclusive housing with Queenslanders with Disability 2024 – 2027 is a state-wide disability housing action plan aimed at embedding the voice of people with disability in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of matters that impact their homes and lives.

The expert panel will be chaired and led by people with lived experience of disability, including First Nations peoples with disability, and will advise the Queensland Government on the implementation of the plan and how best to respond to complex and changing reform agendas that relate to housing for people with disability.

Successful candidates will demonstrate extensive experience in their field, an ability to meaningfully contribute to innovative public policy discussions and ensure effective partnership with the DHLGPPW.

The expert panel will meet quarterly, with two meetings held online and two meetings in-person per year for the duration of the Partnering for inclusive housing strategy implementation.

Remuneration for meeting preparation and attendance, out of session activities, travel and accommodation will be available to panel members. For further information contact the QDN policy team at [email protected] or phone 1300 363 783.

Apply for the expert panel here. Applications close Friday, 23 August 2024.