
Blog: Dealing with cyber security threats

Cyber risk and security is an increasing area of concern for the community services sector. Cyber attacks have become a reality for many businesses, and the not-for-profit sector is not immune to the security challenge. As a rapidly evolving area of expertise, some organisations have have found it challenging to keep up with the measures required to minimise cyber risks.

InfoXchange’s recently released 2022 Digital Technology in the Not-for-Profit Sector report has shown that half of the organisations surveyed had no information security policies or any detailed plan to respond to critical incidences. Now is the time to create a plan of action.

There is a range of valuable and comprehensive cyber related information available to help you plan and protect your organisation, your employees and your clients data.

QCOSS will be offering a range of learning opportunities focused on ICT skills and cyber security in 2023 – bookmark our upcoming events page and stay tuned!