Boards and management committees

Membership of the committee

Election of committee members

The management committee is made up of people elected by the general membership of the organisation. Except for casual vacancies, the Queensland Associations Incorporation Act prohibits appointments (non-election) of committee members. However there is an exception in the case of the position of secretary. If you have adopted the Act’s “model rules” it will be necessary for all elected members of the management committee to be members of the association. Organisations developing their own rules will need to determine whether elected committee members need to be members of the organisation. The Act places some restrictions on eligibility for election to the management committee, for example bankruptcy or conviction for an offence on indictment precludes election.

Committee members

Management committees must have at least three members, which must include a president and a treasurer. (One person cannot hold both positions.) The committee may also include the secretary and ordinary members. The Act permits other names to be given to these positions such as Chair or public officer. In addition, some organisations have assistants to the various office holders for example, an assistant treasurer or deputy chairperson. The role of these assistants can include “learning the ropes” in anticipation of taking on more responsibilities at a later stage, or sharing the work load carried by the main office holders.


The association must have a secretary, who must reside in Queensland or within 65km of the border. The secretary can be elected by the members from among the association’s membership or can be appointed by the management committee, either from within the committee, or from outside the association that is, the appointed secretary does not have to be a member of the association. If elected by the members or appointed from within the management committee, the secretary is also a member of the management committee. If appointed from outside the association, the secretary is not a member of the management committee.

The management committee can remove a secretary and appoint another person to the position at any time. In addition the person holding the office of secretary automatically ceases holding office in certain circumstances, for example if he or she becomes bankrupt, is convicted of an offence under the Act, is imprisoned, or is convicted of an indictable offence. The appointment or election of the secretary, as well as changes to the address of the secretary, and changes to the positions of president, treasurer and secretary must be notified to the chief executive of the Office of Fair Trading.

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